20 Rex Rabbits for Sale Reading, Pennsylvania

20 Rex Bunnies near Reading, PA. Want to find good quality bunnies for sale in Reading, PA?

Rex Rabbits

Contact the Seller of these Pennsylvania Rex Rabbits

You may just be in luck because at my Pennsylvania Rex Rabbitry we raise top quality Rex Bunnies. In addition to raising Rex Rabbits we also raise Polish Bunnies that come in several colors. Are you searching for pet bunnies? Our bunnies are in fact show and pet quality. Our Rabbitry is located about twelve miles outside of Reading, send me a message if you are considering buying rabbits from us. 20 bunnies for sale in total at the moment, I may potentially have more available in the future. I look forward to hearing from you.

About vernitarens

Wife. Mom. Obsessive reader & tv watcher. News Producer. Opinions posted here belong to me, not my employer.
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